Sunday, October 18, 2009

My favourite book....

Goodnight, feet. Thank you for running me around today.

Thank you for holding my legs together, knees.

Legs, get some rest. We've got a lot of jumping to do tomorrow.

OK technically not son's [a gift from my friend Stephanie in Toronto] but I love reading this book to him at bedtime....

It's called 'Goodnight Me' by Andrew Daddo and illustrated by Emma Quay.

The book is about a baby orangutan who is getting ready for bed. Despite being very tired, the baby orangutan won't go to sleep until he says ‘Goodnight me,’ from head to toe [which my son loves to mimic as I read the book]. The book ends with a kiss from a mom, making the baby orangutan feel safe and loved.

It's the perfect book to read as you tuck 'your babies' into bed at the end of a long day.

It's simple, beautifully illustrated and a huge favourite in our house.

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