Saturday, June 06, 2009

So forthcoming with the truth

Last night my husband and I, along with another couple, went out for a fabulous dinner sans enfants. It was the first time that the four of us have gone out in almost 2 years for an adults only dinner escape [see what children do?].

We went to a fabulous restaurant, Petit Bill's Bistro, for some lobster divine. It truly was a poutine heaven eating experience and throw in a glass of wine and it was almost orgasmic. Yeah I know I need to get out more. But I digress.

Throughout the dinner we kept doing the 'Shhh listen, do you hear that? That's right no screaming, crying, whining kids...' We love our kids to death, we do, but sometimes a dinner without the required 100 interruptions and at least 2 tantrums is a welcomed change of pace. For the sanity of the adults if nothing else.

When we got home my sister, the night's babysitter, looked exhausted and said, "They were really good tonight...busy but good," and before she walked out the door she added, "Oh and Isabella may have had some toilet water to drink...just so you know." Ahhh yes nothing completes a day in the life of my 1 year old daughter, without her having some face to face interaction with the water in the toilet bowl. Now there is one fascination phase that I hope ends sooner rather than later.

This morning, my son was standing next to my bed waiting for me to wake up. I got my good-morning kiss and hug and then he proceeds with the play by play details of the night before..."Mommy we had so much fun with Zia last night. It was really fun. But Zia had a lot of work to do...there was the cereal that I dropped on your bed and then Isabella dropped cereal all over the office on the floor and I got toothpaste all over the bathroom and Isabella was thirsty so she drank water from the toilet again. Zia was tired. But she still loves us. I'm so sorry Mommy for the mess we made. But it's OK you can clean it up today. Are you not mad that I spilled cereal on the bed? Zia said I could eat cereal on your bed. OK I'm hungry let's go have breakfast now."

Here's hoping that my little 3 year old is this forthcoming with the truth when he's a teenager. I know things will be hidden, truths untold, stories fabricated and lies told but for now I'll take the innocence that is a 3 year old who comes clean with the real story because he doesn't know any differently.


Mother Ship + inFINcible said...

Hey CB,

Your new page pics and layout look great!

Mother Ship

Loukia said...

So cute! And yay for getting a night out with friends without the kids!