Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving...

To my friends & family south of the border....Happy Thanksgiving.

Gobble. Gobble.

Enjoy your meal.

TurBaconEpic Thanksgiving - Epic Meal Time

Thursday Funnies

Nominate BOB-fm's Stuntman Stu to co-host with Kelly Ripa

My husband is trying to get as many nominations as possible for this would be a total dream come true for him. Like huge.

Plus he's promised that I could go with him and I could pick any pair of shoes I wanted...I am currently examining all possible shoe options if this dream of his ever materializes.

So here are the details:

Regis & Kelly Men of Radio Co-Host for a Day Search

CLICK HERE to nominate Stuntman Stu to guest co-host with Kelly for a day!

Then you'll be asked for some info:

Link to radio station website:

Radio station call letters CKKL

Link to broadcaster's bio:

Link to video of broadcaster:

For the love of shoes please nominate him...and because it would totally be his dream come true.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

C is for Cookie

Cookie Monster Auditions for Saturday Night Live...

I hope he gets the would be epic.


I know a lot of people who have to follow a Glueten free diet....

There is a great company in Ottawa (not available in stores have to buy off their website) that sells protein energy crunch breads, granolas, pastas and kids nut free snacks...

Their name? Enerjive

Their website is

I tried their chocolate protein energy crunch....damn good....for real.

Their products are 1000% free from gluten, wheat, dairy, eggs, soy, salt, refined sugars & corn.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wade Robson that can dance = my weakness. Damn hawt Wade Robson is.

Fast Food Court Flash Mob

Love these moments of spontaneous mob's unexpected and brilliant.

Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus

Monday, November 22, 2010

Listen to #YMC Bsides Playlist #5: R&B

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Hit Me Off

So wish New Edition would come out with some new that 90s R&B flavour...and Ralph Tresvant's miss it.

And let's face it Bobby Brown needs a paying gig.

This is their video for the single 'Hit Me Off' released back in 1996 on Geffen Records.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Here's the new video for 'Playing God' by Paramore....

Plan B...Take 2

OK one more from Plan B...this one is called 'The Recluse'

One more...Brit Pop

One more from the Brit Music scene....

Love this song...vibe is from days gone that Adele, Duffy kinda way.

Love it.

Plan B - Love Goes Down

UK X Factor: Matt Cardle

Love the Brit pop music scene...fab performance from Matt Cardle on UK X Factor.

The First Time (I Ever Saw Your Face)

Brit Pop Music Fix

Westlife performs on X Factor (November 14, 2010)

Listen to #YMC Bsides Playlist #4

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Girl Talk

He has plucked samples from hundreds -- thousands -- of songs spanning all genres. His wide scope and proud propensity for filling his sets with pop hits, guilty pleasures and anything that will elicit a reaction have made his shows truly exuberant affairs, which often end with many audience members on stage, everyone drenched in sweat and Gillis nearly naked. ~David Malitz, The Washington Post

In the world of music mash-ups no one has done quite the meteoric rise like Girl Talk.

Pretty impressive for a guy who doesn't sing or play an instrument...his musical gift lies when he sits in front a computer screen and creates mash-up magic.  And that talent makes him an artist in his own right.  Because to take a handful of completely unrelated songs and seamlessly weave them into one new song...that takes talent, no matter how you look at it.  And that is why I ♥ DJs so and they have my utmost musical respect. 

Girl Talk, the stage alias of Gregg Gillis, started creating music back in his high school days in Pittsburgh...
"The name Girl Talk is a reference to many things, products, magazines, books. It’s a pop culture phrase. The whole point of choosing the name early on was basically to just stir things up a little within the small scene I was operating from. I came from a more experimental background and there were some very overly serious, borderline academic type electronic musicians. I wanted to pick a name that they would be embarrassed to play with. You know Girl Talk sounded exactly the opposite of a man playing a laptop, so that’s what I chose."

Girl Talk has a new record out and it's taking the internet by storm..."All Day" is a fab collection of musical snippets but it's never contrived or flows effortlessly, leaving you to think that 'it shouldn't work but it does'.

Now there's a few tracks where I think he's crammed a little too much hip hop that went on a little too long...maybe a little self editing was needed but that's me just bitching to find fault in what is an overall incredible musical journey through the land of mash-ups.

"All Day" is as creative as a mash up can get it...I mean really Ol' Dirty Bastard mashed into Radiohead...or L'il Wayne into Neil Diamond? What's not to love? The album flows through all these musical genres and it comes at you fast and furious but not in a way that will make you nauseous. It's perfect for rocking out in your car or getting through the day at work.

I've been listening non-stop for two days and I'm still finding something new each and every time.  I'm all over the 'Jump On Stage', 'Triple Double' and 'Every Day'.

So brilliant.

So impressive.

Girl Talk posts his music for free, so you can download his new album "All Day" without spending a dime.  Girl Talk does the free thing to avoid all those nasty, time consuming and money sucking move by him.

What are you waiting for? Go forth and download!  Enjoy the FREE ride.

Soap line of the Week

Best line I've heard in a while on the Y&R...

'You know the hole in the middle of you face making noise? You should shut it.' 
~Adam to Jack

This Made Me Laugh

First Christmas joke of the season...sent to me by my amigo Mike.
Love the manipulation of parents.

A man in newfoundland calls his son in London the day before Christmas Eve and says, 
"I hate to ruin your day but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough".

"Dad, what are you talking about?'" the son screams. 
"We can't stand the sight of each other any longer", the
 father says.   "We're sick of each other and I'm sick of talking about this, so you
call your sister in Leeds and tell her". 
Frantically, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone, "Like hell they're getting divorced", she  shouts, "I'll take care of this".  
She calls newfoundland immediately and screams at her father, "You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there.
I'm calling my brother back and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing,  DO YOU HEAR ME?"and hangs up.

The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife.
"Done! They're coming for Christmas - and they're paying their own way." 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Rescues

Cause I love this song so....another fabulous rendition of Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream'...this time by The Rescues.

Le love it.

FREE Information Session - Youth Suicide

FREE Information Session - Youth Suicide: Recognizing Risk and Talking About It
Our community has been touched by the loss of Daron Richardson who passed away last weekend as a result of suicide.  The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre extends its sincere condolences to theRichardson family and all of Daron’s friends and classmates. 
The Richardson family’s strength and openness in this difficult time reminds us how important it is to talk about mental health. These conversations can be first step towards helping people who need it but many people struggle with what to say. To help address that issue, The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre will be holding a special free information session on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 at 7:00 pm entitled “Youth Suicide: Recognizing Risk and Talking About It”. 
“Youth Suicide: Recognizing Risk and Talking About It”
A free information session from the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre 
Registration is requested
Attendees can click HERE to register or go to ( 
Date and Time
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
7 to 9 pm (doors open at 6:30) 
Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre
1145 Carling Avenue, Ottawa 
  • Annmarie Nicholson, Director Volunteer Services and Trainer - Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, Royal Ottawa Health Care Group
  • Karen Poole, Chief of Social Work, Royal Ottawa Health Care Group
  • James Thomas, Word is Out
         Presentation Summary
After accidents, suicide is the second-most common cause of death among young people in Canada.  An alarming 32% of young women and 18% of young men report having thoughts of suicide.  While females are twice as likely to attempt suicide, males complete suicide twice as often as women. When suicide occurs, the question most often asked by those left behind is “why?” and “how could we have prevented this?”  
Join us as we explore youth suicide. We will talk about the causes of suicide among young people, how to recognize risk and how to respond when someone you care about needs help. James Thomas, from the Word Is Out project, will also join us to share his own family’s personal story of loss and healing.
Talking about youth suicide is the first step in prevention. Our hope is that this presentation will help us to continue as a community to not only talk, but to listen as well.

Sue Riley
Communications Coordinator, Royal Ottawa Health Care Group

Speak Up

‎"Those kids know so little about life, they don't understand what's wrong with them and what can be done to help -- they're just in pain. They don't want to die, they just want to end the pain. There's a catch phrase: suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. "I'm a nurse and I can remember when we didn't even say the word, cancer. We called it the big C -- and now the awareness is huge, and the funding for research and prevention. My goal is to get rid of the taboo around suicide and get on with prevention." 

~Jude Platz (mother who lost her teenage son to suicide)

Listen to #YMC Bsides Playlist #3

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Wordless Wedensday

Really is there anything that can be said? I think not.

Hand Sanitizer...'Leaves hands feeling soft & relieved.'

A forward

Got this from my friend Sammy...

Thought it was so beautiful that it will become a mantra of mine...

May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.. It is there for each and every one of us.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The People In My Head

So I got this fab idea from the blog Loulou's Views...

Presenting: The People That Live In My Head

The cast of the movie Empire Records - They're all a little fucked up, innocent and endearing in their own way and come together when they need to - I've got a little bit of each of them in me (and for the record, the soundtrack for the movie totally kicks ass)

Ferris Bueller - I try to be that cool, sarcastic, clever and quirky every day...and I can be a shit disturber every now and then too.

Jeanie Bueller - Like Jeanie I am fiercely independent and sometimes feel totally misunderstood. I won't let anyone fuck with me and I'll do anything for my family. And her cynical sneer, I've got that one committed to memory.

Miss J Alexander - Because I dream of living Miss J's pampered life, getting manicured and pedicures, receiving massages, and sitting in peace in a hot tub of bubbles and water. And like Miss J I love my shoes and I love his line about walking the walk 'Walk like it's for sale and the rent is due tonight!'

Drew Barrymore - I'm all about that energy, ambition and humour...and the fact she proves that quirky can be beautiful and sexy.

Janeane Garofalo - (back when she was funny) - I'm all about that dry sarcasm and wit - everyone needs a little of that f*&^ off attitude in their head

Meg Griffin - Cause even at 37 there's still that self-conscious teenage girl in me that wants that acceptance and popularity...

Angela Chase - This quote from Angela says it all: ' Things were getting to me. Just how people are. How they always expect you to be a certain way. Even your best friend.'  I think about that a lot.

Duckie (Phil Dale) - Cause like Duckie, I'm all about the laughter, the friends, the fights, the talk, the hurt, the jealousy, the passion, the pressure, the real world.

Watts (Some Kind Of Wonderful) - She speaks to my rock 'n roll girl at heart and every girl wants to walk away with the diamond earrings with the boy of dreams...

and finally...

Elmo - Like Elmo I like to sing all the time (I totally suck at singing but I do it anyways) and I have that relentless optimism, good cheer and insatiable curiosity.

Sweet Serendipity

Love, love this new single from Lee DeWyze.

'Sweet Serendipity'

Monday, November 15, 2010

Listen to #YMC Bsides Playlist #2

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Lanvin for H&M

These pieces look fabulous.

Listen to consuelobernardis Playlist

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Neon Trees

Ridiculously fabulous song and video by Neon Trees '1983'


Natalie Portman is jaw dropping stunning in this Lanvin dress.

photo credit: Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic

Teen Suicide: The Signs

  • Suicide rate in young people is increasing.
  • Suicide is uncommon in children under the age of 10.
  • There are many more attempted suicides than completed suicides.
  • Between 60 - 80% of youth have sought help within the previous month before the suicide.
  • There is an increased risk if the youth has a previous history of attempted suicide.
  • Many competed suicides are well planned.
Risk Factors:
  • Problems with school or the law.
  • Break-up of romance.
  • Unexpected pregnancy.
  • A stressful family life (having parents who are depressed or are substance abusers, or a family history of suicide)
  • Loss of security…fear of authority, peers, group or gang members.
  • Stress due to new situations; college or relocating to a new community.
  • Failing in school or failing to pass an important test.
  • Seriously injuring another person or causing another person’s death (example automobile accident.)
  • Major loss of a loved one, divorce in the family, a trauma.
Warning Signs:
  • Abrupt changes in personality.
  • Giving away possessions.
  • Previous suicide attempt.
  • Use of drugs and/or alcohol.
  • Change in eating pattern.
  • Significant weight change.
  • Insomnia/oversleeping.
  • Unwillingness/inability to communicate.
  • Depression.
  • Extreme or extended boredom.
  • Accident prone (carelessness).
  • Unusual sadness, loneliness, talk of wanting to die.
  • Neglect of work/appearance.
  • Rebelliousness.
  • Reckless behaviour.
  • Chronic pain, panic or anxiety

Call The Kids’ Help Phone: 
1-800-668-6868 (24 hours) 
24hr Distress Line:
Call 911 
Call 1-800-SUICIDE:
"Silence Kills. Talk to your teens about suicide prevention."